Pauline Crowther Scott
 Recent small works
 The Language of Trees
 Cats in Craven Leafage
 Succulents & Shelter Paintings
 Small Panels & Cat Panels
 Woodlands Series
 New! Pauline's Wearable Art
 Papier Mache Plates
 Texts Series
 Filaments and Dreamscapes
 Fog City
 Gardens and Leaves
 Paper Patterns
 The Birds, Cats and Dogs
 Shards and Shadows
 Fabrications & Wallhangings
 People, Portraits & Self-Portraits
 Sea Ranch
 Landscapes and Nature
 Sold Artworks
 Installation Views


Pauline is from Southern England and lived in London for several years where she attended Kingston, Chelsea and Goldsmith’s art colleges studying Fine Art – painting, drawing, printmaking and fiber arts.  After graduating and an inspirational trip to Japan, she started making printed & quilted wall hangings, banners and flags, often cutting up old canvases to include in the mix.  She ran a textiles course at a London High school, taught at two art colleges and on Saturdays had a stall in the Kings Road in London selling her wall hangings.  She was active in the Artists Union of Great Britain, serving on the secretariat, running meetings and producing monthly newsletters.

In 1980 Pauline and her family moved to San Francisco, where she continued to paint and make wall hangings while raising two children with her musician husband.  She worked in preschools, taught art in elementary, middle and high schools and exhibited her work widely in San Francisco and the Bay Area.  In 1998 she joined the San Francisco Women Artists and served on the artist council for several years.  

             After a twenty year career as a high school art teacher, she has recently started writing poetry, and has incorporated text into her artwork in various ways.  As well as painting and poetry she is currently working on designing fabrics for a new clothing line.
If you are interested in learning more about the artist, please contact:
Pauline Crowther Scott
Phone: 415 218-8762
Email: click here
© Pauline Crowther Scott. All rights reserved.
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